divendres, 10 de maig del 2013

This movement born in Italia in 1999. Seek to support cultural and traditional values ​​of the cities, fighting against Americanization and franchising.
We have opened a new place to hang photos of different destinations. Hope you like it.

dijous, 11 d’abril del 2013

Power point sobre els trets i les caracteristiques mes destacades del Judaisme.

dijous, 14 de febrer del 2013

Visit Moscow and Istanbul

In this video we present an itinerary for two of the most impressive and most visited cities in the world, Moscow and Istanbul.

dilluns, 14 de gener del 2013

Industrial Tourism

Industrial tourism develops in many industrial areas where people can see how to make the product, the company history and all kinds of information related to all aspects of the company.

In this presentation we have chosen the company: first the old Heineken brewery in Amsterdam, converted into a museum named Heineken Experience. The other example is the Universal Studio Tour. Located in Hollywood, California, explaining the history of cinema and show demonstrating the techniques used in the films through a tour of the studio.